We are Leading Technology Developments

the commercial arm of materials and energy engineering solution specialist Deregallera.

About Leading Technology Developments

At Leading Technology Developments we’re dedicated to creating reality from ideas. We synthesise new materials to see if they live up to theoretical expectations and – using the theoretical and actual performance – improve upon and perfect them. In this way we perfect materials and concepts that aren’t even on your competitors’ radar.

Our ISO9001:2015-accredited UK-based facility utilises all the hardware needed to manufacture, test and develop wildly inventive new materials with an eye on real-world applications, with access to high-end cleanroom facilities on site and incredible supercomputing power to ensure that our models and concepts are the right fit for your business goals.

We don’t just sit around coming up with abstract ideas – our developments are meant to change how the world thinks, works and lives, so that means they have to be grounded in reality. From batteries that will carry electric vehicles further than ever before to intuitive machine control systems and intelligent displays, our developments prove that a better future is entirely achievable
without harming the environment. Our 25 team members work with numerous acclaimed academics across the globe, and only employ the most talented and dedicated scientists, engineers and programmers.

True innovation

We can help you develop a product or solution to lift you above your competition, or we can give you access to our industry-leading facilities in terms of clean room and supercomputing power.
Our team is free-thinking and flexible enough to allocate whatever resources are need at a given time, creating bespoke software solutions, creating new materials or conducting theoretical experiments to innovate in fields including electric vehicle motors and batteries, communications and more.

We exist to create world-leading products and materials from benign, abundant resources, developing imaginative new IPs that can take your business to the next step. What we supply you with will be totally bespoke, world-leading and licensed exclusively to you.

Choose from the following service options:

Contract R&D

Product development

Materials physics


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Ante fermentum

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Nisl placerat

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Sed feguat lorem

Nullam porta ante ut cursus finibus. Nulla lobortis ac ex id fermentum. Integer vulputate justo lorem, at pharetra.

We made an electric car. Out of wood. Showcasing our many skills: it’s sustainable, with practical range and incredible charging speeds, our Yr Glanaf features all our own batteries, suspension, drive system, motors, unique controls, colour-based driver feedback etc.